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What the what? (Dallas Rock n' Roll Half Marathon)

Do you ever think something sounds like the most genius idea you've ever heard, only to wake up the next morning thinking "Um, wait....what?" Yeah that just happened to me. Mom and Dad were in town yesterday, and we went to yummy Maggiano's for dinner. OMG- I wanted to crawl into my Chicken Parm dinner and live in there. Yummo.
Anyway, did I mention that Mom and Dad are Marathon Runners & Tri-athletes? Yeah, they pretty much rock. Mom qualified for the Boston Marathon this year (that will be her 9th marathon) and Dad will be doing the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon too. They are my heroes.
So we are at dinner last night, stuffing our faces with pasta, and I am talking about my 30 before 30 goal to do a 5k. And somehow it progressed to discussing the Dallas Rock n' Roll Half Marathon. And then when we get home, & husband and dad sign both the hubs and I up! Wait, what?
I am equally excited and nervous. I love to exercise, but I am not a runner. I tend to stick to spinning and yoga, so this is a definite departure. But husband is an amazing motivator, and I love the idea of doing a race with my parents. And I am committed to the Komen cause- which makes it even better.
Holy crap-here we go!
Now the hubs and I are off to get fitted for proper running shoes...
Wish me luck! (I'll let you know how its going.)