Welcome to Olive and Bleu.
I'm Lauren & I'm so glad you stopped by!
This is a collection of musings on design,
art, craftiness, fashion, food, decorating,
weddings and other things that make
life lovely. I hope you enjoy!




Entries in Fashion (93)


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30 for 30 Day 20 & Cute Holiday Cards

Good Monday morning pretties! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I know I sound like a broken record, but I'm still sick. Trust me, I'm as tired of it as you are. But I drug myself to a doc yesterday and now have an arsenal of meds to get me better. Here's hoping I'm back to my old self soon- I'm really not loving the red nose and glazed expression in my last several outfit posts.

I generally hate being stuck in bed all weekend long, but I didn't mind so much this time- I actually did a lot of my Christmas shopping online. I also picked out our Christmas cards at Shutterfly. (I have used them for several books I have made for Geoff and really liked the quality.) Being a designer, I generally like to design things myself, but this year its just too busy. Plus, they have such cute designs and the process is so easy so I really couldn't say no. And to top it off, the are offering 50 free cards for bloggers- which is perfect because I was going to use them anyway and now I can get my cards for free!

I love the idea of having a photo card every year- then when we are old and gray we can look back and see how much we changed every year. Plus, this year will be our first card as a married couple, so I am going to use one of our wedding photos. Sweet right?

Check out some of my favorite Shutterfly designs. They have lots of options, from flat cards to folded, with all sorts of different messages. I think we are going to go with the Frosted Glass Monogram Flat card for ours- I think it will look really elegant with a wedding photo, plus I like using my new monogram whenever possible. I'm also thinking of doing some cute photo calendars for family gifts.
Head over to Shutterfly and check them out!

Finally, this is what I put on for lunch with my family on Sunday. It was chilly and I wanted to be comfy and cozy-so I turned to my fave black boyfriend cardi and a warm scarf. When we got home from lunch we did a little backyard photoshoot before I put my sweats back on and headed to the doc. Our little Boo Calvin wanted to be in the pics (but he really doesn't like being held.) Check out pic #2-he's totally sticking his tongue out as he struggled to get put down-I almost dropped him. He's so awkward. I guess he gets that from me...




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Moustaches, Allergies & Christmas Trees & (30 for 30 Day 19)

I think I'm allergic to my vest. Which is weird cause its faux. But everytime I wear it I need an extra Allegra (but I love it, so whatever. I'll just dope up.) Anywho, December is here, which means the hubs and I headed out to get our first married Christmas Tree. We bought a fake one last year, because our allergies are so bad, but the house just didn't smell like Christams so we decided to get a real one anyway. And just take more Allegra. (Are you sensing a theme here? Yes, I am allergic to EVERYTHING.) I looked for a farm in our area to no avail, so off to Home Depot we went. Geoff was so excited about how good all the lovely little trees smelled. I even took a picture of him smelling them. So dorky. And then we celebrated our haul with Mexican food and margaritas. Not a bad little holiday date night of I do say so myself.

So here is what I wore for the Christmas tree hunt. Luckily we found a giant tree for me to pose in front of earlier in the day. (So the post has a theme-Pretty clever, huh? Ok. Maybe not.) This outfit came together by grabbing several things I haven't worn in my remix in a while, piling them on, and hoping I don't look dumb. I actually like how it came out- especially the world's longest socks bunched up over skinny jeans. Only 11 more looks to go...

And last but not least...No more Moustache!! YAY! Movember is over and the hubs' face has returned to its normal (creepy-moustache-free) state. He raised $578 & his team raised $1474 for men's cancer charities. Thank you to all who donated & for all the guys that dontaed their upper lips for a month. I am so proud of my baby!


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Dear Husband... (& 30 for 30 Day 18)


Winter Wishlist 2010

This is a good place to start for Christmas.

That is all.


Oh yeah, I think you're hot. 

And here's what I wore today. I love these tights.


30 for 30 Day 18



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Currently Craving: Ikat (+ 30 4 30 Days 16 & 17)

There are some patterns, colors & pieces I always seem to come back to. My yummy J. Crew boots I've had for 10 years and had resoled 3 times. Sky-high nude pumps. Multiple incarnations of the little red dress. I always seem to have a version of these things on hand. I'm adding another pattern to this "timeless" list: Ikat print. Its the perfect balance of geometric and bohemian, and is seasonless. And I love any pattern that I can use both in my wardrobe and in my home with beautiful effect. Here are some gorgeous ikat treats I am craving... (MUST HAVE that Anthropologie dress.)
Having any non-Thanksgiving-food-related cravings loves?



And we are coming down the home stretch on our little 30 for 30 adventure! I'll be honest, I was feeling a little less than pumped about finishing, but just in the nick of time, the lovely Miss Kendi posted a pep talk and I am back on board and ready to be creative. Look out looks 18-30, you're gonna be awe. some.) Here are my looks for numero 16 & 17...(and a cute shot of the hubs' outfit of the day- please ignore the moustache- thank goodness Movember is almost over.)


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Turkey Trot (30 for 30 Days 14 & 15)

Happy Thanksgiving lovelies! Yep, I've fallen behind on the 30 for 30, but I am planning on catching up over the holiday (in my defense, I am sick- yes, still, ugh-and have been hanging around in sweatpants and my husband's old band t-shirts. I wouldn't inflict that on you.) But sick or not, I am going to finish this thing! So here's my day 14 outfit along with what I am wearing today (day 15) to celebrate Thanksgiving (wish I had included stretchy pants in the remix options, dang.) I am thankful for all you who visit my blog- thank you for sharing your lives with me. And I'm so thankful for my family, and being home, and my hubs. And for Dayquil. Now off to spend my 1st Thanksgiving as a married lady.


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