Welcome to Olive and Bleu.
I'm Lauren & I'm so glad you stopped by!
This is a collection of musings on design,
art, craftiness, fashion, food, decorating,
weddings and other things that make
life lovely. I hope you enjoy!




Entries in Life (65)


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30 before 30...

Good morning pretties! Well, I am now a couple of months into my 29th year, and have finally figured out my 30 before 30 list. Inspired by lists I have seen around and Nicole over at Making it Lovely, I decided it might be fun to have a list of things I'd like to accomplish this year. For those who don't know me, I have a history of being a bit type-A and hard on myself, so I wanted to make these things fun and doable, so they become accomplishments, not things that add stress. Ok, so its not like I'm curing a horrible disease or climbing Mt. Kilamanjaro (ahem, Mom & Dad), but there's nothing wrong with having silly goals that make you happy, right? Right.
And away we go...


1. Get Married {9.25.10}
2. Start my Freelance Business. {DONE! As of March 2011, I have 5 new clients and counting...}
3. Work out at least 3 times a week on a regular basis. {Done!...And continuing...}
4. Get a new sewing machine and take a refresher class.
5. Donate Blood. (I've always been too scared...) {Done! 6.2.11}
6. Design an awesome wedding album.
7. Find a new job that I LOVE. {Done! Started at OnMessage in April and LOVE IT!}
8. Go on a picnic with Geoff (with our new picnic set from my parents!)
9. Make a photo book of 2010 (do this every year...)
10. Visit the Dalls Aquarium and Ft Worth Zoo.
11. Take a cooking class with the Hubs.
12. Plant a small garden or some herbs and NOT KILL IT.
13. Redesign my portfolio. {12.21.10}
14. Grow my blog (Get 200 followers). {Done! 3.11.11-Thanks to my first Giveaway!}
15. Start an outfit of the day section on my blog. {11.08.10)
16. Learn how to use all the settings on our digital camera (so I can take OOTD photos).
      UPDATE: Got a NEW CAMERA! Taking a class to learn all about it... {1.21.11)
17. Make the perfect margarita. {11.12.10}
18. Keep the house neater.
      {Done! Making the bed & daily pick-ups=neater house.}
19. Learn how to apply liquid eyeliner. (Would love to do a cat eye.)
20. Cook perfect Pad Thai.
      (got this one from Making it Lovely & an episode of Good Eats
      we watched the other day...)
21. Sew something I can wear. (See #3)
22. Clean out and organize our closet. {5.7.11}
23. Lose 10 pounds.
24. Organize all my recipes into the cute little recipe box my mom gave me.
25. Spend a Saturday morning at the Farmer's Market, then cook something
      yummy with my finds. {4.31.11}
26. Host a dinner party.
27. Get rid of my allergies {1.2011} 
28. Run a 5K. Actually we are now training for a Half Marathon! {DONE. Did our first Half Marathon 3.27}
29. Go on a girls weekend trip. {NOLA 5.13-15.11}
30. Celebrate my 30th birthday in a big way!

Wish me luck!


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Now a Mrs.

I'm home from my wedding and gorgeous honeymoon! I'm sorry for the long blog absence and promise to be back in full force by Monday. I can't wait to share more photos of all the wedding goodies and good times with you all. Here's a sneak peek from Julie Cope- one of our 2 AMAZING, GENIUS Photographers. 
I'm happy to be back in the blog world- now as a Mrs!



Si Vous avez au moins la moindre des questions sur aucun des médicaments, Vous serez en mesure de poser les nous sur le site ou sur la page Facebook acheter doxycycline sans ordonnance Et en achetant des médicaments, Vous recevrez la livraison à la même adresse, qui choisissent eux-mêmes et que vous spécifiez lors de l'achat.

Happy Weekend

Its Friday, and a lazy Labor Day weekend stretches out before us! A long weekend really could not be coming at a better time- I really need an extra day to finish up the last of my wedding crafts and get some extra rest. We will also be spending time with good friends BBQ-ing and hanging out by the pool. I can't wait to whip up a key lime pie for the occasion!

I hope everyone has a lovely, long, relaxing weekend!

My Dog-Niece Roxy


Si Vous avez au moins la moindre des questions sur aucun des médicaments, Vous serez en mesure de poser les nous sur le site ou sur la page Facebook acheter doxycycline sans ordonnance Et en achetant des médicaments, Vous recevrez la livraison à la même adresse, qui choisissent eux-mêmes et que vous spécifiez lors de l'achat.

Happy Birthday to me!

Well thats it folks, I'm 29 today. Its my last year in my 20's! It feels so weird to say that.
I'm so excited to spend the upcoming weekend with my fiance, friends and family!
And to celebrate my last run as a 20-something, I took a cue from Nicole over at Making it Lovely and made a "30 Things to do Before I'm 30" List. I'm still tweaking it and promise to reveal sometime next week.
Wish me luck!

Si Vous avez au moins la moindre des questions sur aucun des médicaments, Vous serez en mesure de poser les nous sur le site ou sur la page Facebook acheter doxycycline sans ordonnance Et en achetant des médicaments, Vous recevrez la livraison à la même adresse, qui choisissent eux-mêmes et que vous spécifiez lors de l'achat.

Happy Birthday Mom & Dad!

Ok, so I am a bit late on the birthday wishes for my parents. The past couple of weeks have been pretty hectic and I am so sorry I am just now getting to it. Dad's birthday was July 29th and Mom's was yesterday-Aug 11th. So, without further adieu, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to two of my most favorite people in the whole world!!  You both are great role models and friends and I am so blessed to have you!!!
I love you guys both so very much.


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