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I wanna be THIS organized!

I am a list maker for sure. I always have my pink leather planner and a couple of Moleskin Notebooks in my bag at all times, and even though my iPhone has plenty of list-making apps, I prefer to write them down and cross them off when complete. There's just something about a handmade list. I seriously thought I was pretty organized with all my list-making goodness, until I ran across The Project Girl. Um, Holy Organization Batman! Jenallyson, the smarty-pants behind this site, is a professional graphic designer that designs for scrapbooking paper company My Mind's Eye as well as digital files for two other companies. Her site is loaded with cute crafty ideas and free project downloads- everything from A Weekly Meal Plan (LOVE THIS!) to a food journal, weekly chores list and vacation packing chart. I love that she is taking list-making to a new (more well-designed) level. Thank you for sharing all your organizing loveliness with us Jenallyson! Check out her site and get some free downloads of your own!
Meal Planner Image by The Project Girl.