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My (Grown-Up) Christmas List

Why is it a "grown-up" list you are wondering? Well, because I am feeling more like an actual grown-up everyday. The hubs (OMG, I'm married- that's really adult, right?) and I are on house hunting-and only grown-ups are allowed to buy their very own houses. And I have a sander on my wish list. What bratty teenager in their right mind would want power tools for Christmas? Yes, this is another clue to my adulthood, people. I am so pumped to use it to do some furniture refinishing.
Just so you know, this is an imaginary Christmas list-We had our awesome wedding this year and Geoff and I are saving our pennies for our new home, so it will be a lovely but small holiday. I just can't wait to eat too much, bake with my mom, hug my family and take lots of naps.
Happy Friday lovelies. I will be back with my 30 for 30 outfit post later today. My camera battery died so no uploading till it charges. Whoops.

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