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Font Crushing & Wrapped Up (30 for 30 Day 7)

Happy Monday loves! How are you all? I am so excited about all my new followers and readers- thank you guys so very much for visiting the blog. It truly makes my day to see and hear from you all.
So, I have been so crazy lately! I have been working like mad at my job, redesigning my portfolio (check it out here), doing some freelance design, and blogging my little heart out. But honestly, I can't get enough. Enough blogging, enough designing, enough scoping out great graphic and interior design, enough fonts to fall in love with- My mind is consumed with thinking about these things. And I consider myself truly lucky that I spend my days doing things that I so love. Speaking of love, check out my current shopping addiction: fonts. There are so many I want right now (does my shopping ban extend to fonts? Not sure.) Anyway, take a look at some offerings from one of my favorite type houses, Sudtipos. I am obsessed with Buffet Script, Burgues Script, & Kewl Script. Anyone have $300 laying around to buy me these pretties?
And here's what I wore today for Day 7. LOVE this wrap top from Anthro-its like a blanket you can wear to work. How's the 30 for 30 going ladies? I'm loving it but really hope I don't run out of ideas by week three!