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Weekly Bumpdate: 25 Weeks

Hi guys! Happy Monday- ok, maybe not so happy here in Dallas- its rainy and gloomy. And well, its Monday. But I'm trying to make the best of it. Time for my weekly bumpdate...
How far along? 25 Weeks
Maternity clothes? Yep. My sweet mama took me maternity shopping last month and all the cute things I got have been a lifesaver. Also loving lots of the flowy Anthropologie tops I had before I was pregnant and stretchy maxi skirts.
Symptoms: With the move and all the stuff we've been doing around our new house, my feet have been really sore lately. By the end of the day, I am dying to put them up. Also have been having a little swelling in my legs, ankles and feet, but not too bad. My least fave symptom is the preggo acne I've been battling lately which is so annoying since I finally got my skin cleared up after a lifelong battle. Hopefully it will go away after little bean arrives. Other than those small things, being a bit tired, and some back aches, I feel really good most days! I feel so blessed to be having a pretty east pregnancy so far.
Sleep: Its getting more sporadic. I wake up more, and have to get up at least once a night to pee. I'm also having the weirdest dreams! Like, seriously crazy stuff. Last night, I dreamt that Geoff and I and my family were on some sort of scuba diving expedition to see killer whales. During the scuba training, we had to cut the ears off of rabbits and the legs off of lambs and I freaked out and refused. Anyone else have disturbing pregnancy dreams? They are really freaking me out.
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Booze. Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, its tough not being able to have a yummy cocktail during patio and pool season. Oh, and I miss having a waist. The bump can make getting dressed interesting.
Movement: Little bean has been moving on a pretty set schedule these days. She is active in the morning when I wake up and then after I eat lunch and dinner. And any time I eat something sweet she goes nuts.
Food cravings: Sweets- Milano cookies, anything chocolate & ice cream. Any kind of fruit- especially grapes. Also cereal- but this was my all time favorite food before I was preggo, so no surprise there.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope- been eating like a champ. Anything super fatty gives me an upset tum, so I'm trying my best to stick to healthy stuff. Except I can't stay out of the Milanos. Why are those so good?
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes.
Baby is a: Girl!
Belly Button in or out? In. I had a crazy deep belly button pre-pregnancy, so I'm hoping it won't pop out.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm not gonna lie, I've been pretty moody the last few weeks. By the afternoon, I get tired and more grumpy and just want to be left alone. And I have had more weepy spells in the last few weeks. Most recent trip on the hormonal crazy train- We were at our friends Binny and Jay's house for a cookout/pool party on Saturday and I was helping their 2 year old Layla pick a movie on the iPad. She chose The Fox and the Hound. Have you guys seen this? I totally forgot, but the mommy fox get shot in the first 5 minutes and then the little baby fox is left all alone. Can I just tell you I could not stop crying after watching this?
Looking forward to: My sweet in-laws bought us our crib and we put it together last week, which got me excited about finishing the nursery. I hope to share the mood board I made for the nursery design soon!
Best moments this week: My parents visited this past weekend and we had such a nice time with them. We spent the weekend doing a little shopping and we ate A LOT. Definitely had pancakes both mornings and some Pacuigo gelato after dinner Saturday night- so yummy. And they were so sweet to get our rocker for us. Its so beautiful and soft- I just love it. We put it in our bedroom for now- we will have baby girl co-sleeping in her pack n play next to the bed for the first few weeks. My mom also bought the baby her first pair of pink Chuck Taylors- they are so tiny and sweet. Its so odd to think that soon we will have a little someone who will fit in them.