Dear Husband... (Our Week in Photos)
Lauren in Dear Husband, Husband, Life, Love, Things I Heart

Dear Husband...

What an awesome week!

yummy devils food Valentine cupcakes • love notes hidden all over the house for you • getting dressed up and spending a Saturday night out at our fave place • romantic Valentine's dinner of lobster ravioli • gorgeous flowers you brought home for me • sweet jewelry treat from Auntie Sue (modeled by Calvin) • Saturday morning cinnamon rolls & coffee • a great run on our new favorite trail ( & my first running injury-Boo) • our first time to jump a car together (haha!) 

All my love.

PS: Thanks for my little shopping treat!
(loving my cute new shirtdress from LOFT and the dress I'm lusting after at Anthro...)

Article originally appeared on Olive & Bleu: A Texas Girl's Guide to Lovely Things (
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